Friday, January 25, 2013

Nicki See, Nicki Please Don't

Crystal's Note: HAAAAAAAY TM! So, this is rather short, but I wanted to post something up before I got sucked up *pauz*  into last-minute studying for my SAT exam. I take it tomorrow, so wish me luck guys! I really hope you enjoy this chapter. There is LOTS more to come and I promise I'll make these chapters longer. So stay tuned and as always, read on! 

Story Title: When We Were Young

Chapter Three: Nicki See, Nicki Please Don't

"What are you doing here?" Nicki asked as her eyes lingered over his parted lips. She couldn't help but admire how attractive they were and secretly imagined them on her lips. Jason noticed that look and was very familiar with it.

He smiled.

"Well, I'm a friend of Jose's. Tracey's man. I'm guessing your a friend of hers?" He answered honestly, waiting for the teenager to snap out of her daze. When Nicki finally came back to earth, she looked down at her shoes, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah, I am... uh, wanna come in?"

"If I can use the bathroom, of course." The older boy joked, making the infatuated brunette giggle after.

"Okay, I'll just ask Candi. Wait here?"

"I'm not going anywhere Nic. Take your time."

If Nicki could die and go to heaven every time he said her name, she would. That's what it felt like to the teenager. The small girl departed from the door then rushed into her best friends kitchen. Nearly knocking over the glass bottle of Vodka Candi found, Nicki grabbed her friend then started to squeal.

"Oh my God, you will never believe who is at your door!"

"It better be God, the way you almost knocked over my daddy's bottle of liquor!"

"Ugh forget about that! Just guess!" Nicki said, eagerly waiting for an answer. Candi thought about all of the people in her mind who would make her friend go ballistic.

Sadly, there was none. Unless...

"Jay? He's here?!"

"YES! Ahhhhhhh!"

"Girl, stop playing! He's really here?" Candi asked, clearly in disbelief. The beautiful girl nodded as TT joined them.

"Uh, Candi, there is a fine guy at your door and he said he needs to use the bathroom." She informed them, clearly clueless about the situation that was currently transpiring.

"Oh my God, it is him! Ahhhhh!"

"What the hell-"

"Nic, tell him to come in! Go!" Candi insisted, shoving Nicki out of her kitchen. The teenager nearly lost her balance as Jason came into view.

"So, am I allowed to use the bathroom or...?"

"Um, yeah, she said yes. Right this way." Nicki instructed, gesturing him to walk ahead. The girls poked their heads out of the kitchen door and felt their hearts flutter at the sight. TT's eyes almost popped out of her head when she realized who it was and why her two best friends were making such a big deal out of it.

"That's him?" She questioned, following his lean figure till it disappeared down the hall and into the bathroom.

"Yes, that's the guy I met earlier. That's Jason." Nicki said, feeling her heartbeat take speed for the hundredth time that day. TT began to swoon over his looks as Nicki waited for him to come out of the bathroom.

"Girl, how did he end up here? Did he follow you?" Candi asked. Nicki nodded no, keeping her eyes towards the direction of the bathroom.

"He's a friend of Jose's. He just came along with him I guess."

"Wait, if he's a friend of Jose's, he's got to be older Nic." TT realized, looking at Candi in worry.

"Yeah Nic, way older than you." Candi added. The sixteen year didn't seem to care. She simply stared ahead with a wide smile on her face. To snap her out of it, TT hit the small girl on her back.

"Ow! What the-"

"Look barbie, he's not for sell. So I suggest you leave Ken on the shelf." Candi said, keeping a serious tone. Nicki searched their faces and tried to understand what was happening.

"What? What do you-"

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but thanks for letting me use the bathroom Candi. I appreciate it." Jason said, flashing her a quick smile. The seventeen year old quickly smiled back then waited for one of her friends to say something. With no luck, Jason turned his attention towards Nicki.

"Thanks for answering the door. I didn't think I'd see you again." He said, obviously happy that he did. Nicki blushed then felt his hand take hers. She watched him raise it to his face then kiss it softly. TT and Candi stood completely in shock as their friend began to mentally swoon.

"Um, your welcome?" Nicki replied, getting a small laugh out of the boy. His laugh was surprisingly upbeat and captivating, just another thing the brunette could obsess over.

"So, this hopefully won't be the last time we meet?"

"Hopefully." Nicki agreed. Candi, not liking the situation anymore, casually pulled Nicki away.

"Yeah, as nice as this is, you better go back to your friend and make sure mine comes back as well."

"Of course. Thanks again girls. Bye." Jason called as his eyes caught Nicki's and he smiled.

"Bye Nic."

"Bye Jay."

"BYE!" TT yelled as Candi practically pushed him out the door and closed it behind him.

"Didn't you know playing with Ken had an age limit?!" Candi exclaimed, approaching her friend. Nicki rolled her eyes then walked back into the living room.

"What are you talking about?" The teenager asked as TT spoke up.

"He has to be in his twenties. You're only sixteen."


TT and Candi both looked at each other.

"So? Nicki, he's so not your age! He's older!" Candi yelled as Nicki sucked her teeth.

"Does that really matter? Jose is twenty-four and Tracey is my age! They've been going out for almost a year now." Nicki defended.

"Yeah, well Jose is also a Spanish man-whore who beats on his girl! Please don't let her situation become yours Nic. Please."

"Just because Jay is older? Y'all are ridiculous."

Candi sighed then sat on the couch. TT joined her, then Nic. The room suddenly became very quiet as the girls pondered in their thoughts. Nicki couldn't believe her friends. Just seconds ago they liked the idea of Jason and approved of him. And now, in just a matter of minutes, their entire perspective changed on him and she honestly didn't like it. If age was really the issue, then Nicki didn't care. If she and Jay were meant to be in each other's lives, then so be it.

Interrupting the three girls from their silent thinking, the front door opened and in came Tracey. The tall Latina had a newly formed bruise on her left eye and a deep scratch on her right cheek. She wiped away her tears and began to approach the girls. She sat in between Nicki and TT, then joined them in their silence. Candi looked at TT then both of them switched their attention on Nicki, who was successfully ignoring their stares.



  1. Awww nic & jay!! I hope he is nt like Jose beating on girls I am nt here 4 that...
    Hot grits will set his Spanish behind straight...
    Great chap!!
    Hope you did good on your SAT...

  2. Firstly I hope all went well with you SATs.

    I like this story a lot. I'm not sure how I feel about Jay right now just because I'm wondering if in some moment his true colors will show. But for now, it's cute. I feel SO bad for Tracey :( I hope she gets it together and leaves that bastard. I can't wait to see where this story will go.
