Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Encounter

Crystal’s Note: Hey guys! Well, I’d like to start off by giving you some very important information, the first being that this story is a complete figment of my imagination and is in no way REAL. It never happened, only in my overactive brain that tends to take me to these strange places… ANYWAY, this story will focus on Nic’s teen years and how I perceive it to be. Just a warning, some topics may be a little sensitive to you guys in future chapters… trust me, it was sensitive for me but those specific scenes wouldn't leave me alone and begged to be written. That’s not until later though so I’ll definitely warn you when that time comes. For now, you should be safe. Well, I’m done with my rambling but if you have any questions or comments, PLEASE leave them on this page. I really want some feedback. Constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks for your interest and I hope you want me to continue. Enjoy!

Story Title: When We Were Young

Chapter One: The Encounter

“Mommy! I’m gonna chill at Candi’s today!” the short, brown-skinned and brown-eyed sixteen year old yelled. Her long waves of black, Trinidadian hair hung over her shoulders and passed each of her breasts. Since she liked to dress comfortably, her outfit consisted of black sweatpants that hugged her perfect curves, a white T-shirt and an old pair of white Nike's. The beautiful brunette gazed at her appearance in the mirror and made sure she looked decent. She made an animated facial expression, which caused her to momentarily giggle until her little brother came waddling into the room.

“Caiah’! Watchu doin’ in here, baby?” she asked sweetly, watching as he walked around, hardly having any balance. He was only eleven months old, but his first birthday was coming up soon. She suddenly remembered when she first arrived in New York from Trinidad, her birthplace. She randomly remembered when her mother decided to paint her walls a light purple. That was nearly twelve years ago and the teenager was extremely tired of looking at the faded, “butt-ugly” color. With a huge smile on her blemish-free face, Onika Tanya Maraj bent down and opened her arms so the small child could run into them. Micaiah Maraj pressed his small face into his sisters chest and stood there as she held him.

“Remember what I told you, Nic. No boys.” Carol Maraj said, making her strong presence known as she entered the room. Onika, who preferred to be called Nicki, rolled her almond-shaped eyes before responding.

“I know ma’, you said that like a hundred times already. I get it.” The teenager said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Micaiah started to blow bubbles and smiled at his two main providers. Their father, sadly, wasn't involved in their lives as much as he should have been, due to some very personal issues that affected the family. At least that’s what Nicki thought. Carol, on the other hand, was too busy denying the truth.

“I’m just making sure it processes in that big head of yours.” Carol teased, bending down to give her daughter a playful shove. Nicki dramatically fell back and pretended to be hurt.

“OW!” she said, still holding the small child in her arms.

“Oh please Onika, I didn’t even push you that hard.”

“See what mommy did Caiah’, you could have fell out of my arms and it would have been all her fault.” Nicki said in her baby voice that she used to communicate with the child.

It was the mothers turn to roll her eyes as she watched her daughter stand up with her son.

“Give me the baby, I’ll let you go out but you need to be back by nine. Understood?”

Nicki nodded in understanding, flashing her mother an all-too-wide smile before she left the room. 

Remembering something, she called out to Carol before she was completely gone.


“Yes, Nic?”

“Can we paint my room?!”

Carol leaned against the frame of the door while Micaiah took her gold necklace that had a cross pendant on it and desperately tried to put it in his mouth. Scolding him, Carol removed it from his tiny hands and held it as she spoke.

“Why all of the sudden? Did Candi, Lauren and Tyesha paint theirs?” The mother asked, carefully watching Nicki’s facial expression.

“No, I just want something new.” She responded.

“Think of what color you want and we’ll talk about it when you get back at nine. Not eleven, not twelve, but at nine o’ clock.” Carol emphasized, not breaking eye contact so her daughter would get the point. Nicki shifted uncomfortably in her mother’s gaze, remembering when she came back at nearly two in the morning last week and almost got killed because of it.

“Okay ma’, nine o’ clock.” She promised.

“Good, see you soon. Say bye to Caiah.”

“Bye baby!” Nicki cooed as she planted a soft kiss on her baby brothers cheek then watched Carol exit her room once again. She waited until she was gone and got out her phone so she could call TT. Since she got no answer, she left a voice mail instead while grabbing her jacket to leave. It was October 14th, 2001 on a Saturday afternoon. The weather was just getting chilly and the leaves just started to fall from the skinny trees that stood outside her bedroom window. Turning off the light and walking outside her two-bedroom apartment, Nicki rushed her words as she spoke into the phone.

“Hey girl, it’s me Nic. I’m leaving my house now so tell Candi and dem’ I’ll be there soon. Don’t forget to save me some of your mom’s food. Make sure Lauren’s hungry ass doesn't touch it either. Bye!” With that said, she hung up and trotted down the long street. As she was walking she noticed an unfamiliar face in the front of the corner store. Nicki couldn't help but stare at his muscular build. His honey-toned skin seemed to glisten under the bright sun along with his soft brown eyes. He was about five feet and nine inches tall, which wasn't too tall compared to her. Well, she was exactly five feet now so that should count for something, right? He looked much older and mature, something the teenager admired right away. As he talked to his friends, he talked with such charisma and passion. Not realizing where she was headed, Nicki accidentally bumped into the blue mail box that sat just inches away from the group of guys in front of the store. He looked at her and rushed over as soon as he saw what happened. He had beautifully constructed facial features and Nicki seemed to get lost in them as he got closer. He gently grabbed her hand, making her profusely blush in the process.

“Are you okay?” He asked in a soft tone, genuine concern in his voice.

“Your eyebrows, their perfect.” Oop. Ugh, Nic! You’re fucking stupid! Her conscious sneered at her as she mentally continued to beat herself up for that embarrassing comment. Unknown boy just smiled again, which exposed his cute dimples.

Oh my gaaaaawd. He’s gorgeous.

“Uh, sorry… I don’t know why I said that.” She admitted, shaking off the thick cloud that seemed to fog up her brain at just the sight of him. Nicki looked down and melted at the realization that he was still holding her hand.

“It’s cool, nothing to be sorry about. You live around here?” He questioned, squinting his eyes at her. Nicki took note of how cute he looked doing that then tried hard to assemble an appropriate answer.

“Yeah, just down the block. What about you?”

Just keep it normal, Nic. Don’t scare him away.

“I actually live in BX. I’m Jason, but you can call me Jay.”

Jay, Ooo, cute name.

“Nice.” She replied, gazing at his soft eyes. They were just too enticing.

“And you are…?”

“Oh, Right! I’m Nicki, but you can call me Nic.”

“Cool. Then I’ll see you around, Nic.” Jay said, slowly letting go of her hand then smiled before walking back to his group. Nicki felt like the temperature around her just turned into a hundred degrees and decided to walk it off.


Millions of thoughts came into her head, the most important being that she needed to rush to Candi’s house and tell the girls all about her new eye candy, Jason aka Jay.

To Be Continued…